Industries We Serve


Customs Duty reduction strategies and Customs Valuation specialisation, based on WCO Valuation principles and domestic legislation, we have profound experience, globally.


Improved Customs compliance, including assistance with Tariff Concessions and Industry Concessional Schemes (i.e. Tradex, Inputs to Manufacture, By-Laws involving Warranty & Offshore processing, Robot Concessions etc).

Mining, Oil and Gas

Considerable expertise with Customs Duty impacts on major projects and Government Grants (State and Federal), including the often-misguided Fuel Tax Credit Scheme interpretations

Transport & Infrastructure

Vast experience with construction projects, particularly Solar and Wind Farms, involving imported inputs and materials quite often subject to punitive Anti-Dumping duties, unexpectedly.


Given the often duty impact of Free Trade Agreements (FTA’s) and Origin issues on retailers from not having the correct documentation at the time of importation, we have developed sound practices and solutions around minimising this frequent impost on imports for the retail sector

Energy & Utilities

We have deep experience in Power Station projects and managing the related importations of capital equipment, often involving split-importations and consequential duty impacts.

Our Services

Our breadth and depth of Customs industry expertise is unrivalled in Australia and New Zealand, together with our Lead Compliance Directors having in excess of 200 years of industry experience and every project we undertake is delivered by one or more of WCC Advisory’s Leadership Team. As a consequence, our clients can be assured of “Best of Breed” advice and excellence in client service.

In addition to our Three Pillar approach, we have also developed proprietary data visualisation tools such as our WCC Duty Profiler dashboards, to initially assess compliance readiness (or otherwise), of a corporation for the pending review process of Customs Compliance and Supply Chain Security. 

WCC have also developed “Compliance Scorecards” to enhance the review process involving the key component parts of the Trusted Trader application.

These scorecards provide a consistent Compliance Review process by our experienced Compliance Teams and are made available prior to an engagement to demonstrate our review structure and to ensure we have a consistent approach. These Scorecards have also been reviewed by Senior Officers of the Australian Border Force’s Trusted Trader Team

Core Services

Customs Duty Compliance

Strategies involving declaration data analytics and real-time cloud technology

Trusted Trader & AEO

Trusted Trader & AEO reviews and ultimate accreditations, multi-jurisdictional

Customs Valuation

Highly dependable service for “unbundling” of market related costs

Free Trade Agreements

Reviews and leveraging the material benefit of Origin Rulings


Anti-Dumping reviews and assistance for exporters entering into a new jurisdiction

Customs Duty Disputes

Customs Duty dispute management and appeals, internal and external

Major Projects

Minimize the impact of customs duties for major projects on a global basis

Customs Rulings

Customs Rulings on Harmonised Tariff Classifications and related Concessions, on a global basis

Transfer Pricing

Transfer Pricing and the interplay with Customs Valuation principles, globally